π Red Panda π Texture Set for the Chibitora
Red Panda Custom Texture for the Chibitora base
Created a new texture I've never explored before for the Chibitora!
I personally think it turned out gorgeous.
This was created with Poiyomi Shaders however any should work~ β₯
Any questions, comments, or commission requests feel free to send to me on Discord: Sammii
- Poiyomi Toon / any Poiyomi
- VRCFury
- Ensure your Unity Project has Poiyomi & VRCFury installed correctly.
- Download & double-click onto Red Panda Texture for the Chibitora.unitypackage, and press Import in Unity.
- Go to your Assets folder and go into Sammii > Red Panda.
- Drag & Drop the Red Panda Texture (WHITE) or Red Panda Texture (GOLD) depending on which Chibitora Model you are using~
Like this:
If you don't care for a toggle on your menu to enable the avatar~
You could just as easily drag & drop the materials onto the correct slots onto the avatar just fine β₯
This would not require VRCFury however still would require Poiyomi Shaders.
This file includes:
- Body Texture
- Braids Texture
- Eyes Texture
- Face Texture
- Fur_Tail Texture
- Hair Texture
- Materials already set-up
- Animations, Menus, Parameters, Masks, etc.
- A game-object with the necessary VRCFury Components for a simple drag & drop installation!
It does NOT include:
- The Chibitora base (found here)
- The Goggles (found here)
- The Round-Glasses (found here)
- Poiyomi Shaders
- VRCFury
- SPP Files
Please do not share or re-sell this texture
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4 sales
Red Panda Texture for the Chibitora.unitypackage
15.7 MB
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