
Goggles for the Chibitora

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Goggles for the Chibitora


Goggles for the Chibitora base

A very charming pair of goggles to cover your Chibitora's forehead!
I thought it's head was a bit bare, and would perfectly fit a pair of goggles!
It includes complete adjustability of colour, brightness & saturation to perfectly fit your Chibitora!

  • 752 Vertices
  • 1 Material



  • A toggle to lower the goggles (I couldn't figure out how to make a grab-bone work ;-;)
  • Hue Slider
  • Saturation Slider
  • Brightness Slider


  • Ensure your Unity Project has Poiyomi & VRCFury installed correctly.
  • Download & double-click onto Goggles for the Chibitora.unitypackage, and press Import in Unity.
  • Go to your Assets folder and go into Sammii > Goggles.
  • Drag & Drop the Goggles PC (or Goggles Quest) onto your Chibitora
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This file includes:

  • Goggles FBX
  • Animations, Menus, Parameters, Materials, etc.
  • Game-objects with the necessary VRCFury Components for a simple drag & drop installation!

It does NOT include:

Please do not share or re-sell these assets
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4 sales

Goggles for the Chibitora.unitypackage

1.87 MB
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