
✦ Lavender ✦ Texture Set for the Chibitora

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✦ Lavender ✦ Texture Set for the Chibitora


Lavender Custom Texture for the Chibitora base

I made this pretty texture as it's always been one of my favourites, directly inspired by the Lavender Texture for the Paw'vali, which ofcourse is my own take of the Novabeast default texture!

This was created with Poiyomi Shaders however any should work~ ♥

Any questions, comments, or commission requests feel free to send to me on Discord: Sammii



  • Ensure your Unity Project has Poiyomi & VRCFury installed correctly.
  • Download & double-click onto Lavender Texture for the Chibitora.unitypackage, and press Import in Unity.
  • Go to your Assets folder and go into Sammii > Lavender.
  • Drag & Drop the Lavender Texture (WHITE) or Lavender Texture (GOLD) depending on which Chibitora Model you are using~
    Like this:

If you don't care for a toggle on your menu to enable the avatar~
You could just as easily drag & drop the materials onto the correct slots onto the avatar just fine ♥
This would not require VRCFury however still would require Poiyomi Shaders.

This file includes:

  • Body Texture
  • Braids Texture
  • Face Texture
  • Fur_Tail Texture
  • Hair Texture
  • Materials already set-up
  • Animations, Menus, Parameters, Masks, etc.
  • A game-object with the necessary VRCFury Components for a simple drag & drop installation!

It does NOT include:

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Lavender Texture for the Chibitora.unitypackage

14.1 MB
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