✖ Gothic ✖ Texture Set for the Paw'vali
Gothic Custom Texture for the Paw'vali base
I made this texture to contrast my other designs for anyone looking for a more edgy or masculine look!
The splatter effect present on the hair, feathers, & tail have a slight glow to them as well as the face markings & eyes
I did have a difficult time achieving a look that I found appealing on this base as I feel it's not really cut out for edgy & dark themes since they're just a little cute guy~ however I feel I struck a good medium with this texture!
This was created with Poiyomi Shaders however any should work~ ♥
Any questions, comments, or commission requests feel free to send to me on Discord: Sammii
This file includes:
- Body Texture
- Head Texture
- Hair Texture
- Feathers Texture
- Goggles Texture
- 6 Masks for the Emission
- All the materials set-up for simple drag & drop application on your Paw'vali!
It does NOT include:
- The Paw'vali base (acquired here)
- Poiyomi Shaders
- SPP Files
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3 sales
Gothic Paw'vali Texture Set.unitypackage
6.6 MB
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