❀ Deer ❀ Texture Set for the Paw'vali
Deer Custom Texture for the Paw'vali base
I had created my own adaptation of a Deer texture for the Paw'vali because it's just SO CUTE
I'm super happy with how great it looks on this base!~
This texture was created inspired by the Jinxed Deer avatar
This avatar does include Goggles textures, however in my opinion the texture looks at it's best without them
The video & pictures of the avatar do not show the goggles!
They are black with blue lenses
This was created with Poiyomi Shaders however any should work~ ♥
Any questions, comments, or commission requests feel free to send to me on Discord: Sammii
This file includes:
- Body Texture
- Head Texture
- Hair Texture
- Feathers Texture
- Goggles Texture
- All the materials set-up for simple drag & drop application on your Paw'vali!
It does NOT include:
- The Paw'vali base (acquired here)
- Poiyomi Shaders
- SPP Files
Please do not share or re-sell this texture
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2 sales
Deer Paw'vali Texture Set.unitypackage
588 KB
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