Raincoat & Boots for the Chibi Novabeast
Raincoat & Boots for the Chibi Novabeast base
I'm really excited and proud to release the Raincoat & Boots for the Chibi Novabeast! This is my first attempt at creating a clothing asset for a VRChat avatar! Took me many many tests & attempts on a few different bases before I landed on this idea and I think personally it turned out great! ♥
I worked hard to ensure it's a low-poly lightweight model that can keep your Chibi Nova in good standing!
Please note for those using Face-Tracking that this asset does use lots of Parameters so it will require that you remove lots of the base clothing/toggles that the default Chibi Novabeast come with in order to use it.
This asset also doesn't directly interact with the clothing the Chibi Novabeast comes with, so this may cause clipping issues. I would recommend removing them for performance & to avoid any awkward clipping.
- 2491 Vertices
- 1 Material
- 372 Vertices
- 1 Material
Additional Materials for the Raincoat:
- Cow
- Pink Cow
- Ladybug
- Love-heart
- Stars
- Ensure your Unity Project has Poiyomi & VRCFury installed correctly.
- Download & double-click onto Raincoat & Boots for the Chibi Novabeast.unitypackage, and press Import in Unity.
- Go to your Assets folder and go into Sammii > Raincoat & Boots.
- Drag & Drop the game object Raincoat & Boots (PC) (or Raincoat & Boots (QUEST)) onto your Chibi Novabeast and you're all finished!
It should look like this:
This file includes:
- Raincoat & Boots FBX
- Animations, Menus, Parameters, Materials, etc.
- Game-objects with the necessary VRCFury Components for a simple drag & drop installation!
It does NOT include:
- The Chibi Novabeast base (acquired here)
- Poiyomi Shaders
- VRCFury
- Haku Texture for the Chibi Novabeast (acquired here)
- Orca Texture for the Chibi Novabeast (acquired here)
- SPP Files
Check out my world if you are curious to see my bedroom! I worked weeks on it and I'm also super proud of it!
(The world I recorded the video in!)
Please do not share or re-sell these assets
No refunds
Raincoat & Boots for the Chibi Novabeast.unitypackage